Books on Pattern Design by Kathleen Kinder
Next up on our Book Recommendation series, I want to focus on the author, Kathleen Kinder. I always come back to her books, because there is so much useful material.
The fourth book included in this review is by Denise Musk. I mistook it as one of Kinder’s books because of its cover, but I am glad I rediscovered it, as it is such an valuable resource. Check out the video for the full review.
As usual with many good machine knitting books, these are out of print, but you can find them second-hand on Etsy, Amazon, and Ebay.
Machine and Hand Knitting Pattern Design, Kathleen Kinder
Machine Knitting – the Technique of Lace, Kathleen Kinder
Techniques in Machine Knitting, Kathleen Kinder
Machine Knitting – The Technique of Pattern Card Design, Denise Musk