This is an 8-week program divided into Patterning I and Patterning II, that covers all the material in the Patterning class.

Participants will receive a workbook with notes and exercises for each week, that relate to the class. There will be a zoom call with Helen at the end of each month.

Date: TBD
Cost: $40.

Patterning i

Week 1
Tuck Stitch &
Multi-color Tuck Stitch

We will learn how a tuck stitch is formed on the knitting machine, and its characteristics in comparison to jersey. Some dramatic, interesting and unexpected fabrics can be developed just by striping with tuck stitches.

Week 2
Miss Stitch &
Multi-color Miss Stitch

We will focus on miss stitch this week, and study its structure and characteristics. We will be making swatches with miss stitch pattern, multi-color miss stitches, and as an extra credit, use the this technique to make jacquard effects with the appearance of three colors in the same row.

Week 3
Fairisle & Complex Fairisle

We will take a deep dive into fairisle, a two-color fabric produced using the patterning unit. A fairisle can become more complex by striping two colors, or switching colors in different rows. We will also learn how to isolate a pattern from a punch card.

Week 4
Single Motif

In the final week of the first session, we will be doing single motif, with tips on how to stop the stitches at the edge of the motif pull and separate from the jersey sections, and what to do with long floats.

Zoom Meeting

There will be a zoom meeting on Saturday of week 4, hosted by Helen, to celebrate and talk about machine knitting. Details will be shared with participants in email.

Patterning II

Week 5

We are going to start the second part of the Patterning KAL with Lace. We will also cover Punch Lace for students with the Silver Reed machine, and Fine Lace for students with the Brother machines. Make sure you have your lace carriage if you are using a standard gauge machine.

Week 6
WEaving & Plating

Weaving is a technique whereby a second yarn is laid in on selected needles; while plating is a technique using two yarns together, where one yarn appears on the face of the fabric and the other on the reverse. We will experiment these techniques and explore the effects using different thickness of yarn.

The Brother machine requires the yarn feeder to be replaced with the plating feeder. The Silver Reed machine requires a particular threading of the regular feeder.  

Week 7

Intarsia is a technique that creates color pattern-work where there are no floats on the back of the fabric. We are going to practice this technique by creating a pictorial design with multiple colors. Students are welcome to design their own intarsia on graph paper, or use one we provided. Most machines require a separate intarsia carriage.

Week 8
Project: Explore Card #1

Card number #1 is a very versatile design that produce many interesting fabric by using different stitch structures and techniques. Students are invited to take this simple design to the next level by applied techniques learned through out the class, and share the result with fellow knitters.

Zoom Meeting

There will be a second zoom meeting hosted by Helen on the Saturday of week 8Details will be shared with participants in email.

General Information

  • The KAL is limited to 40 spots, but there will be a wait list in case any-one drops out.  

  • You will receive an email after registration is closed to confirm your spot is secured. The email will also include information of prep-work required before the event.

  • 1 week prior to the event: Participants will be granted access to the closed forum, and the respective class.

  • 1 day prior to the event: Participants will receive a link to download the workbook for week 1.

  • Each week we will share the link to download the worksheets, with assignments of which videos to watch and swatches to complete. Additional reading may be suggested as well.

  • There will be two zoom meetings with Helen at the end of week 4 & 8, to celebrate your accomplishments and talk machine knitting!

  • Email us at for any questions.

What Machine & Accessories Do You Need:

  • A fully functioning machine (main bed only) with patterning device (punch card or electronic) plus intarsia and lace carriage in order to participate in all of the lessons. 

  • Check out our free class, Guide to Buying Your First Machine, to learn how to test the patterning unit of your punch card machine.

  • Your machine manual. Try if don’t have manual of your machine.

  • A full set of punch cards that came with your machine, in the case of a punch card machine.

  • And some yarn!

  • An added bonus would be some blank punchcards and a hole puncher.